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CNC positioning holes
The PROPVA is an equipment designed to take advantage of the post-weld cooling time to make the positioning holes of the hardware.
CNC machining center
6 tools programmable machining center, machine the frame and the mullion to install the lock, the handle hardware and localization of hole of hardware.
Automated cutting center
Don't waste time to measure, just fill the machine and all the cut of your frame, sash and mullion will be made automatically.
CNC Machining Center
6 tools programmable machining center, machine the frame and the mullion to install the lock, the handle hardware and localization of hole of hardware.
CNC positioning holes

CNC positioning holes

The PROPVA is an equipment designed to take advantage of the post-weld cooling time to make the positioning holes of the hardware.
CNC machining center

CNC machining center

6 tools programmable machining center, machine the frame and the mullion to install the lock, the handle hardware and localization of hole of hardware
Automated cutting center

Automated cutting center

Don't waste time to measure, just fill the machine and all the cut of your frame, sash and mullion will be made automatically.
CNC Machining Center

CNC Machining Center

6 tools programmable machining center, machine the frame and the mullion to install the lock, the handle hardware and localization of hole of hardware

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30 Novembre 2023

Vendu dernièrement au Québec, merci d'avoir considéré Protomach GML.

Recently sold in Quebec, thank you for considering Protomach and GML.

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